Saturday, August 20, 2011

WENDY J. MURPHY: Deval Patrick’s deadly silence on domestic violence

M.A.S.O. Commentary
Great article by Wendy Murphy in the Patriot Ledger regarding "the REAL deal" in regards to abuse in the State of Massachusetts.  Many people who have NOT expereinced abuse have stated to us how unbelieveable in this day and age that "this stuff" still goes on. The hypocrisy MUST end.

We believe as the next wave of elections are upon us, we must look at the record of those in public positions of power their ACTIONS not words in regards to domestic abuse.  

Deval Patrick talks the talk but does NOT walk the walk despite the fact his wife is a survivor of abuse herself.  You would naturally think he would have an understanding of what happens to victims and ensure nothing like that would happen to his children or to the childen of the Commonwealth.

Below are excerpts from her article.  Please view the link below to read the whole article. PLEASE SPEAK OUT

Many of our own volunteers have attempted to arrange a meeting with Deval Patrick's Office to discuss this issue and with an answer of either "meet with aide" or "not available".  VERY SAD for Massachusetts. Don't our politicians have an obligation and fiduciary duty to uphold the US Constitution in protecting the citizens of Massachusetts from harm?

By Wendy J. Murphy
Posted Aug 08, 2011 @ 01:17 PM
Last update Aug 08, 2011 @ 01:19 PM
"Patrick’s lack of concern for dead women is palpable. His own wife was a victim of domestic violence before he met her, yet until he became governor, he did nothing for the cause. To the contrary, he spent his time in Washington fighting for the rights of criminals...."
"...During Patrick’s administration, the rate of domestic violence murders skyrocketed – shaming him into making a big announcement in 2009 about his ideas for new policies and programs that would save women’s lives. No surprise things got worse after that because nothing he proposed was designed to ramp up justice for victims or the potential punishment of batterers...."
"...Yet people who claim to be victim advocates in this state don’t fight for justice and tough punishments. They ask the public to “speak out” about domestic violence and to call a battered women’s program when abuse happens...."
"...And because advocates have been co-opted with ideology-driven promises of trivial sums for their piddly “training and education” budgets, in exchange for silence about the failure of political leaders to give a damn, we can be assured of more dead bodies in the future."

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